Typically whenever anyone think of Japan, we will usually think of their cool and stylish latest technology gadgets, their kawaii items, recommended beauty products etc. My past few vacations in Japan, i was dragging cartons of their food items especially potato chips and beauty care items. I love their supermarket the best as i always feel those gadgets no matter how cool they are, simply was beyond my price range. I love buying small and affordable items thats is pocket friendly though buying a carton of them means almost same price of buy a branded purse lol!
People whom travel to Japan will buy Porter bags, Agnes B, Burberry Black label series etc but not me since i am the frugal type in branded items. Of course i would love to own 1 but i just couldn't bear swiping my credit card or by the time i consider its already too late or i had lost interest in owning it. Hence being here, i am expose to long and wide aisle of products with irresistible packing. Solely just haircare alone, there are over 10- 20 brands! whenever we drop by to drug store, i will always linger around beauty section and reluctantly leave after Shota's persistence calling. Well u know how men works, they will get grumpy and start hurrying you to move along.
There was once i had to persuade Shota to leave me at the drug store for at least 1 hour for me to shop around without his bothersome nagging. That was my happy *me* time hahaa! I simply love drugstore!!!
No.1 best-seller for 2 years shampoo. Cost $25 sin, didn't know i can become so high maintenance lol! |
Another No. 1 bestseller which combines toner, moisturizer for face. $65 sin. |
Reasonable price for yet another best seller hydrating mask useful during winter time! 50 sheets for $23 and its made in Japan. |
Tsktsk rich liao huh!?!?! Buybuy buy!!! Anw hows life there? ...yl