Initially S wanted to go Jurong Bird Park but I was too sick to go anywhere. We ended up with me visiting the doctor in Punggol (I was hoping to see the doc that consulted me for my eye infection, he was very nice) but it was lady doctor this time (also very nice). He was quite disappointed not being able to go to bird park (I could tell) but my persistent fever refused to back down. The doctor said it was a case of nose allergy and the yellow mucus and fever were all part of allergy reaction. She had warned that it will not be cure so fast..... (So true...... I still have slight cough and mucus up to today and its been 1 month since I got back from Singapore, Spore doctor visited once and Japanese Doctor visited 3 times!).
On the last day, S wanted to go army market at golden mile market and we came back home with loads of his goods. He must be feeling very satisfied lol, loads of badges, with army raincoat and even name tags. He spent over hundred getting his items. We went super early (around 10am) but half of store were closed. I hope they will continue to carry on their business as it was the only place we can get many local military goods that not on sale elsewhere.
My dad and brother sent us off at the airport and we went in after my brother reached (He ended work late and we had taken dinner with dad). My mum said I was mean for not eating with my brother and parted! I wanted to look around inside the duty free actually hehe. Intended to sleep on the flight but I ended up watching movies again! The final movie Hunger Games was available and how could I not watch it and I was kinda of scared out of my wits (certain scenes quite scary and S recorded it down with my face frowning and jerking out of my seat) that I could not sleep after that.
It was a great trip, will be even better if I did not fell sick but I was glad to back home in Japan.
I would not even go near my mum without her crying |
S looked so old! |
my mother could not make it in time and she would be crying anyway |
did not expect they would be serving dinner so late. Last pieces of spore style chicken! |
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