I asked my gyane to do c-section instead and he told me to give up. He said he is not certain why but only singapore and south korea do highest rate of c-section. Then epidural etc ...basically any method to ease the pain i heard from my friends (that gave birth in spore) are
all not available. Beside the reason that gyane get sue easily and they have to close their business when complication occurs during the injection, although all these method are not harmful to the baby, they are harmful or have negative effect to the mother in long term wise.
Day 2 evening
my gyane warned me to take note as my waterbag might break in wee morning. True enough, it broke around 3-4am. I thought i had peed in my pants but it had no odour and in high frequency and so i informed the nurse. She confirmed indeed its my waterbag that burst and i should get ready to give birth anytime. For some reason, i became really scared and started trembling (guess i felt i was alone in foreign country and hospital and was clueless what would happened during the birth). From then on, my contraction pain intervals become shorter and stronger but still not enough (!!!!)
Day 3 night
Baby position not right and dilation 7cm? Was in such a pain that i couldn't walk. Pinkish water kept gushing out. By that time mentally and physically i was breaking down, an angel (very experienced obstetric nurse also a lecturer ) came for her night shift and eased my worries and pain. So so grateful to her, she was constantly checking on me, soothing and massaging me and taught me the breathing technique when contraction came.