Soon, we be approaching in our 30s. By now, half of my friends are married, half are not.. Single life certainty have its advantages; more carefree, less budget conscious and live the way you want to be. Whereas marriage and kids; the priority become kids then husband then lastly you (;p), sometimes i will envy my single friends going for vacation but it only lasted a while. Marriage is a responsibility and children are precious yet bitter-sweet burden at times (i can foresee myself being a mother whom constantly nag and scold (sounds familiar right?)) Think S adjusted to the new role very well while i am still coping to the role as a housewife along til now.
Seeing my friends with their children makes me wonder if i can take on motherhood as well. Half anticipation half worry.
so cute! |
one more is coming! |
thanks for ur wonderful meal! |
yum yum!! |
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