I passed!!!!..... Don't be happy too soon for me..... I only passed my basic theory test and got my learner permit license. It is a license that allow me to drive on the road as long a licensed person is beside me.
You must be thinking so easy right... Why am i so happy... Thats because nobody expected me to pass, the driving school sensei, principal and Shota keep telling how difficult it is and even in Japanese, the passing rate is low as the questions are structured in a way that's tricky even for natives. Foreigners from my driving school hardly passed the test and gave up the school in the end since they cannot proceed next stage in school. That is also 1 of major reason why my driving school principal was so reluctant to accept me in the 1st place.
On the way driving to test place, even Shota was telling me that its ok if i fail, he is prepared to drive me there again lol! While we were waiting for the results, he mentioned it once again... Lol how nice to know the level of confidence that my husband had in me!
During my test, i was the only foreigner and the rest were Japanese. Half of them failed the test when the results were revealed. Shota was shocked that i passed hehehe! I love it when i proved him wrong!
Really appreciate BUBU! Thank you for driving me to Hachinohe after you ended work at 8am and translated the examiner's instruction for me, waited hours for me to end and drove me back to school to make arrangements for next step. When i was having class, you had to prepare dinner still. I knew you didn't even have time to change out of your uniform but luckily its autumn now, so it doesn't stink! Love u!!!
KFC celebratory meal after result is out! |
I am so lucky to have u! |
this is my fav sake, its sweet and refreshing! |
aomori wine! |
thai buffet! |
hungry hungry! |
YA I GOT IT!! shove it to the school for thinking i'm just like their "special" foreigner students. |