EDD (Expected Due Date) supposed to be on 24 Feb 2018 but baby is taking her own sweet time and yet to decide to greet us. Super active in my tummy though... Went for check up and I spent over a hour to get the graph of baby heart beat (usually only need 20-30 minutes required). The gyane wanted to see baby normal heart beat but because she was so active, the chart was constantly over high side. I was quite concerned and asked the gyane if she was ok and he replied its better to be active and it was fine. He did not go in depth explaining the reason why he wanted to see the normal heart beat.
Also found out that my free check up coupons had been fully utilised.... From the next check up I would have to pay 5000 yen ($65 sgd) and that's not inclusive of blood test (another 2000 yen $26 sgd)... sob sob.. Hopefully we can see her soon before my next check up!