The weather finally was getting better after blizzard and we were able to head to Towada winter festival! Intially we thought that it was going to be a hr ride but it turned out to be 2 hours, by the time we reached, i was feeling stuffy with my curry rice inside my stomach. As the festival had yet to start, we went to have some snacks inside the food stalls and to avoid the harsh coldness. Its was around -5 that day and kristi and i came prepared with gloves and ear muffers. Shota did not bring his gloves nor long johns, he was complaining cold towards the end.
As it got dark and the decors were lit with pretty blue lights, it looked so romantic! A good place to come in couples and enjoy in magical atmosphere. We had plenty of fun, this was my 1st time hanging out with emily and shawn, they are fun to be with. I had seen them couple times before but didn't talk much, just hi and bye. Towards the end, the guys were already tipsy with beers they drank and the girls had to drive home. Thanks to Kristi for driving us back to Misawa safely, it would be a mission impossible for me to drive back along the mountain with low visibility and 2 lanes road that become 1 lane due to all the snow.
p.s i will remember how all of u show ur individual dance moves on the stage lol! like we own the stage ....
u can sit with ur legs soaking in the onsen and drinking warm sake |
ice bar |
always w their beer |
another ice bar with dinosaur sculptures |
we are avatars! |
drinking sake in ice mug. |
escaping from the cold |
back to misawa and eating yakitori |